Wilderness Veterans Memorial Flame Foundation

The Wilderness Veterans Memorial Flame Foundation embraces the essence of PATRIOTISM by garnering volunteer and financial support to erect and perpetually maintain a unique and notable veterans memorial and to provide a place for participation and education in veterans service related activities. Located in Wisconsin's peaceful Northwoods, it will be a fitting place to honor the men and women who have selflessly dedicated themselves for the freedom of all citizens of the United States of America.

We are dedicated to honoring and remembering all America’s veterans who have served our Country in uniformed military service.

Upcoming Events

Sat 22
Mar 12

Post 480 Monthly Meeting 7 PM

March 12 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

American Legion Post 480

Winegar Post 480 is located in Presque Isle, Wisconsin. We are dedicated to promoting patriotism in our community and devoted to fellow veterans.

Thanks to these Sponsors