About the WVMFF

From the Heritage of a Veteran Service Organization…

Throughout our Country, the American Legion is synonymous with patriotism, giving honor and devotion to all veterans. The Legion is an organization whose members support their communities. Many fond memories are held by folks who have been touched by Legion members in communities across America.

The story is no different in the small northwoods Wisconsin community of Presque Isle. Here, Winegar Post 480 has been an integral part of community life for generations. Some days the Post hosts local celebrations, while on others, with somber faces Legionaires gather to render HONOR and a final salute to a departed comrade.

Some might suggest "the boys down at the Post” are a bit “long in the tooth”. A few of the “boys” might agree, but most still dream young men’s dreams when it comes to issues of remembering those who have served. At Post 480, the “remembering dream” is to build a unique lasting Memorial to all Veterans.

... is Born a New Veteran Service Organization

As members of Presque Isle Post 480 began the process of planning a Veterans Memorial, it became clear, more hands and talents were needed. The best course of action was to create a new distinct entity which could avail itself of a broader array of skill sets, including fund raising.

For that purpose, Winegar Post 480 members created the The Wilderness Veterans Memorial Flame Foundation (WVMFF), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) foundation, providing donors a tax advantage. Involvement in the project would not be restricted solely to veterans. The only criteria for participaition in WVMFF is a common and shared goal: the building of the planned Veterans Memorial. As planned and designed, the regional Memorial will become a destination for residents from the entire surrounding area and for the many tourists and visitors coming to enjoy and experience the natural wonders of the northwoods. We would be grateful to have you become a partner and patron.

WVMFF Officers & Directors

Colleen Gorrilla

Vice President:
Patrick Roche

Janice Peterson

Steven Metz

Board of Directors:
Jack Curtis
Otto Novak
Gregory J. Strasser
Robert J. Berdan
Susanna (Sue) Harris
David Wirtz
Bernie Klotz

In Memoriam:
John L. (Larry) Gorrilla, Founder
Thomas Ghiloni
Gerald Ghiloni