Help Keep the Flame Lit

Make a Donation

Write a check payable to WVMFF and mail to:

PO Box 83,
Presque Isle, WI 54557

Would you prefer to enjoy the tax benefits of making a donation of stocks/equities? Contact us at 715-686-2517 or email us to request a letter to provide to your broker.

The cost of enshrining a Veteran is $300. Send your check to the address above and complete the Application for Veteran Enshrinement from the Memorial tab.

Lighting the Flame

Underwriting Options

We encourage you to consider becoming an underwriter of this remarkable project. With your support, it will be successfully completed and perpetually maintained.

Donate Unrestricted Cash Donations


$1,000 - $1,999


$2,000 - $4,999


$5,000 - $9,999


$10,000 or more

Conflict Monuments 12 Monuments - 6 Available

Suggested Donation per Monument: $3,500

War of 1812

Mexican-American War

Civil War

Spanish-American War

Indian Wars

Desert Shield / Desert Storm

Monuments of Remembrance & Honor 2 Monuments - 1 Available

The granite east monument is engraved with the names of individuals who served in the U.S. Military with honor.
Suggested donation: $18,000

Tax Exempt Nonprofit

Wilderness Veterans Memorial Flame Foundation, Inc., a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization exists to design, fund, build and maintain a Veterans Memorial located in Presque Isle, Wisconsin. A copy of the most recent annual return and tax exemption letter is available by writing to: WVMFF, PO Box 83, Presque Isle, WI 54557. Printing charges may be applied.