Alexander B. Hanes
- Corporal
- Served: September 9, 1862 – August 8, 1865
- Civil War – 54th Regiment, Company H, Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Deceased August 8, 1923. Interred at City Cemetery, Seneca, Kansas.
Alexander B Hanes enlisted in company H, 54th regiment of the Ill. Volunteers in Shelbyville Ill. on Sept 9, !862. The 54th fought in Lexington Ten., Paducah KY, Britton’s Lane, Toon’s Station, Vicksburg, Haines Bluff, Dewalts Bluff, was with Sherman on the Big Black, and Little Rock. He was discharged as a Corporal on August 8, 1865 in Little Rock Ark.
Alexander was born on March 6, 1838 in Cambridge OH to William H and Abigail (Seines/Sines) Hanes. He was a blacksmith by trade. On Dec 11, 1861 he married Naoma Jane Conard in Shelbyville Ill. After the war He and his family joined a wagon train and headed west, where they settled for a few years in Fillmore, and Saline co. Neb., then to Seneca Kansas, where he died on Aug 8, 1923 at the age of 84.