LeRoy James (Lee) Hines Jr.

Memorial Location


  • Ground Radio Operator
  • 9/25/1962-9/24/1968
  • Vietnam War
  • Good Conduct Medal, Honorable Discharge
    As a child Dr. Hines and his family was part of the African-American southern migration to northern cities, settling in Chicago. Following his graduation from Hales Franciscan/Corpus Christi and De La Salle High Schools, he enlisted in the USAF and was stationed primarily in Okinawa as an air-to-ground radio communications specialist. After 4 years of active duty and 4 years reserve duty Dr. Hines began his educational pursuit obtaining his Master’s degrees in education and Social Work at the University of Chicago and National-Louis University. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree from Northwestern University.
    His work took him into Youth Guidance/counseling for minority high school students and private psychotherapy counseling. He also served as Dean at Olive-Harvey College, Roosevelt University and National-Louis University, then became Executive Vice President at Urban College of Boston before becoming its President for 5 years. He also served in an executive leadership capacity with Bunker Hill Community College.
    Born September 15, 1943, deceased October 27, 2018. Cremated.
    See Brother Leonard J. Hines.