Robert King
Company of Foot Soldiers, American Revolutionary War
- Lieutenant of Company of Foot Soldiers, in 1st Battalion Northumberland County, Pennsylvania
- April 19, 1776 – 1778
- Revolutionary War
- Skull fracture during skirmish near Piscataway, New Jersey, on 10 May 1777; returned to duty August 1777
Robert King was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant in a Company commanded by Captain Hawkins Boon in the 12th Pennsylvania Regiment commanded by Colonel William Cook and served in said Company until 10 August, 1777, returning after a leave of absence as a consequence of a wound which he received in a battle near Piscataway, New Jersey in the month of June 1777. He was commissioned as 1st Lieutenant in the same company. Afterwards he was transferred to the 3rd Regiment Pennsylvania Line commanded by Colonel Thomas Craig and continued to serve in that capacity until the close of the War, but was not all the time on duty. In Fall 1778, he accompanied the regiment in an expedition against the Indians.
Captain King was born January 31, 1747 in Donegal, Ireland, the son of Thomas and Mary (Willis) King. He was the first actual settler of Erie County, Pennsylvania. He settled there in 1794, in LeBoef Township, where he claimed 400 acres near what is now “Ford Bridge”. He then returned to Lycoming County, and in 1795 returned with his family to begin building their home. Robert married Elizabeth McCollough about 1773. He died in Le Boef December 7, 1826, and is buried in Waterford, PA.
Father of Samuel King