Wayne Embert Hinz
- AMS2, E-5
- March 1, 1965 – July 29, 1968
- Vietnam
- National Defense Service Medal, Honorably Discharged
- Bodyman, Equipment Transportation; Heli-Arc Welding Certificate, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Warfare Defense Training.
Wayne and his family enjoyed camping, hunting, fishing, and traveling to almost all 50 states. He and his wife Shirley were avid Snowmobilers in Illinois and Wisconsin, Wayne served as an officer in IASC and snowmobile clubs in Illinois and Wisconsin. Regional Director for Region 5 Illinois and participated in many activities & yearly conventions. He loved to spend time at their second home in Boulder Junction, Wisconsin with family and friends. Attended Trinity Lutheran Church, Boulder Junction, Wisconsin. He will be missed.
Born May 26, 1942, Deceased January 10, 2022